Egyptian Canadian Center for Knowledge System


What Is Dyslexia?

It’s a Greek word that means “ Reading Difficulty ”. It consists of two sections: “ dys ” which means difficulty and “ Lexia ” which means reading words.

Types of Dyslexia

Phonological Dyslexia

Phonological Dyslexia

This is the type that people usually mean when they are discussing dyslexia. It is when a student has a problem with phonological awareness skills that include breaking words into sounds and then matching them with written symbols, making it hard for them to pronounce words.

Surface Dyslexia

Surface Dyslexia

This type of dyslexia in which the student finds it difficult to remember whole words by sight. Children with surface dyslexia may have a particular problem with words that have tricky spellings and do not sound like they are spelled, and they may take longer to be able to recognize the words as a whole through sight. Surface dyslexia is also called visual dyslexia.

Rapid Naming Deficit

Rapid Naming Deficit

This is the type where kids are not able to quickly name letters and numbers when they see them and it takes them a long time to be able to identify them. Experts believe that the difficulty of rapid naming is linked to a deficit in the speed of information processing within the brain.

Double Deficit Dyslexia

Double Deficit Dyslexia

This type of dyslexia occurs when a child has difficulties with both rapid naming and phonological awareness. These children have difficulty isolating sounds and cannot quickly name letters when they see them. This dual form of dyslexia is thought to be more severe and challenging to treat.

Visual Dyslexia

Visual Dyslexia

The term visual dyslexia means the same as surface dyslexia. However, some people use this term to express something completely different: They believe that reading problems have to do with the eyes and vision and claim that reading can be improved through eye exercises or tinted lenses. These methods are not recommended yet because there is not enough evidence showing their effectiveness.

Symptoms of Dyslexia

Language Indicators

Daily Activities Indicators

Memory Indicators