Egyptian Canadian Center for Knowledge System


Dyslexia Screening

The initial screening is designed to give an indication of which kid is not facing learning difficulties and which kid might be facing learning difficulties with either a low, medium or high probability.
When a screening indicates a medium or high probability of dyslexia, the best procedure is to follow up with a full diagnosis. This would define accurately and in detail, all the strengths and weaknesses, which will help determine the appropriate teaching strategy.

Full Diagnosis

Full diagnosis identifies the type and level of dyslexia. This diagnosis will also provide a clearer picture of someone’s cognitive profile, strengths and weaknesses, and will help ensure that any support provided is as effective as possible.
If someone is having great difficulties studying and wants to know more, or needs more support, this full diagnosis can really help him spot the problem.

During this assessment, the evaluator will conduct a series of tests to explore key capacity aspects such as:-

Confirmed Diagnosis
Confirmed diagnosis of dyslexia (if this is supported by the results of the initial screening)
Difference in Ability & Achievement
Determine whether there is a clear difference between the overall level of ability and achievement in reading and writing.
Performance Evaluation
Evaluate performance on a set of elements, allowing the evaluator to consider strengths and weaknesses. This is not a test so there is no “success” or “failure” – the aim is to help highlight a person’s individual way of learning or working and what works/doesn’t work for them.
Information Collection
Collect information about reading, spelling and writing skills.
Other Factors
Consider other factors that may affect learning.

Our Full diagnosis reports are being revised by our Canadian partner GlobalEdu Inc., on behalf of the Canadian Dyslexia Center in Ottawa, Canada

SMT Program

The SMT Program is a language (re)education method for students of all ages. It is based on the Orton-Billingham methodology, which is a structured and highly organized method for language training.

Details about the SMT Program:-

SMT Program Advantages

Early Age Start
It can be taught to students starting from 6 years old.
Detailed Lessons
Each lesson is detailed and meticulously prepared and could be used immediately by most school teachers.
Preventing Reading Failure
Although developed specifically for dyslexic students, this method can be used for all school grades to prevent reading failure and to reduce the need for remedial help later on.
6 to 8 Children per Class
Teaching the SMT can be done to an entire class. We teach a maximum of 6 to 8 children per class.
Early Intervention
It allows much earlier intervention for dyslexic children, even if they have not been formally diagnosed because it can be taught as early as grade 1.

Training For Teachers

Every teacher works hard to create a classroom environment that helps all students learn more effectively. Since this is easier said than done, teachers must plan and teach very well; to ensure that students with learning difficulties feel comfortable in the classroom.
Egyptian Canadian Center empowers teachers when it comes to how to deal with students with dyslexia by providing detailed training for the teachers (Online or On-Premises), under the supervision of their schools. The training starts with introducing the majority of learning difficulties existing in class and ends with how to conduct a screening process to effectively understand, classify and segment the students according to their challenges.